Majestic boards

About us

Majestic Boards was created by the group of young people who wanted to combine their passion with work and contribute to popularizing an alternative means of transport which is an ELECTRIC LONGBOARD.

Original project

As longboarders and snowboarders familiar with the most important aspects of comfortable board riding, we created an original electric longboard based on our own technological and constructional solutions to combine the most pleasant riding experience with its practical use in everyday life.

High quality

Our project has been appreciated, among others, by companies such as Forbes and the Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency. We create our boards combining technology with handwork in Poland.

We personally deal with the production and every board passes through our hands so we can take care of every detail of their high quality finish. They are not mass produced so that they are unique and special, to meet the needs of a demanding rider.

Creation process

We guarantee not only the quality and parameters of our products but most importantly, satisfaction and joy of riding! We spent a lot of time prototyping and perfecting the construction of the boards in terms of durability and functionality. We were casting the first models of our trucks in a workshop near Wroclaw we were renting at that time. You can watch part of that process in our video from 4 years ago! 🤙

We have been on the market for 6 years already and we are still servicing our first models! We make every effort to provide the highest quality customer service and service of the boards, including post-warranty. The newest series of the Majestic Boards electric longboards combines original, high quality hardware solutions providing a comfortable, amazing ride feeling with electronics manufactured by a pioneer in the electric longboards industry. ✌️